Awards and diplomas: Sarm, SA, Moldova, ALL.BIZ: Moldova
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Reviews: 4
Sarm, SA
+373 (79) 42-25-58

Awards and diplomas Sarm, SA

Diploma of participation of SARM S.A firm. in the Black Sea LETEX exhibition in 2008.
The diploma for participation in an international forum of small and medium-sized enterprises in 2011.
The diploma for participation in an international forum of small and medium-sized enterprises in 2011.
The diploma for participation an exhibition and a competition small business of Moldova.
The diploma for the I place in the republican competition "Small and Big Business of Moldova" in the nomination "The Best Manufacturing Innovator" in 2011.
The diploma for a fate in an exhibition and the competition "Moldavian Producer" in 2012.
Municipal Primeriya's gratitude city of Chisinau, Pretura of BUYuKAN sector.


awards and diplomas Sarm, SA Moldova, ALL.BIZ: Moldova